Fig. 9: Landau-Zener transition between the global minimum state and the first excited
state for fast variation of the transverse magnetic fields {hti}. (a) Variation
with time of the transverse magnetic fields ht1 and ht2, much faster compared
to fig. 8. The rate of change of the energy of the low eigenstates is shown
in the uppermost plot on the right handside. (b) The plot in the middle shows the
variation with time of the occupation of the global minimum state and the first
excited state of the 4 qubit system. (c) The development with time of the occupation
summed up over basis states with spin 0 and spin 1 in the third qubit is displayed
in the last plot. The time on the horizontal axes is in arbitrary units.
The initial 4 qubit state with a dominating component from the |0111> basis state shows a diabatic development and occupation of the first excited state of the order of 17% at the time of crossing between the two states. A spin flip is also observed (fig. c) and it is due to the fact that the main component of the first excited state is the basis state |1101> with a flipped spin in the third qubit.
Experimentally LZ transitions have also been reported in molecular nanomagnets \cite{wernsdorfer}
and superconducting qubits \cite{izmalkov,oliver,sillamp,johansson}.